There are so many air travel myths, what people perceive as tricks to find the lowest airline tickets. Some of these have no logical backing. Today, we’ll be enlisting five popular myths that may have left you baffled. So, let’s bust some of the myths, and save a few extra dollars money in the process.

1. Cheap Airlines Always Have The Best Deal

As a matter of truth, no airline always has the cheapest airfares, not Ryanair, not Frontier, not Spirit, none of the airlines. However, most people perceive that airlines in the economic category will offer the lowest deals.

And, they don’t bother to check the fares of different airlines. It is a bad move that could cost you a couple of bucks. Always compare more than one airline to find the lowest price.

2. Buying Airline Tickets Early

It is a popular myth. Most of the airlines don’t actively manage the airfares for their domestic flights, until three and half months before the departure date. For the International flights, make this five months earlier. By buying early, you may end up paying a few dollars more than what you pay if you’d waited.

During the festive season such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, you can shop for air tickets a few weeks or a month earlier than what’s expected.

3. Best Deals Are Last Minute

Yes, a decade back, the concept of last-minute airline deals was quite popular. Nowadays, the airlines have become smarter and manage the demands of their customers. In other words, airlines make efforts to routinely fill up their spaces to avoid last-minute bargains.

On the contrary to the subheading, if you do wait for the last minute, you’ll in most likelihood pay extremely high airfare. You can practically try this, to see the mounting difference. Ideally, book your flight tickets at least a week or two in advance and stay clear of last-minute bookings, because it does more harm than any good.

4. Connecting Flights Are Cheaper

Yes, connecting flights are cheaper, but not always. So, when shopping for air tickets, make sure you weigh your options, both connecting and non-stop flights. Don’t tick the connecting flight checkbox when searching for flights, as you may never know you might find a fantastic deal on a non-stop flight.

5. Every Economy Class Seat Is Equal

No. all economic seats are equal. Airlines such as American and Delta offer basic & standard economy. Each one has its own set of amenities. Decide whether convenience matters to you or the airfare or vice versa.


So, you’ve booked your flight tickets but it is your first-time.  It is normal to feel anxious but you can get away with all the concerns by enrolling in an online fear of flying course. Educate yourself before you board the flight for a great experience. There are so many online crash courses; you just have to surf online and join right away.

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