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Making The Most Of Renewable Energy

With global energy prices soaring in recent years, many people are realizing that now is the time to begin looking into renewable energy for their homes and businesses. Renewable energy for homes was previously too expensive for many people to consider. 

However, with a combination of government grants and installment payment offers available at many companies, more homes are beginning to consider renewable energy. So, what exactly is meant by renewable energy at home? Can it be used to power your entire home?

Renewable energy products are those that can be installed in your home or on your property that will generate their own energy. As you will not be using energy supplied by an energy company, your bills will be reduced; in some circumstances, you can eliminate all external energy bills.

Below, we have gathered information regarding some of the renewable energy products that can be used in or around the home to reduce energy costs. As all household expenses are increasing, it may be time to decide whether it is the right time to invest in renewable energy for your home. 

Solar Panels

Solar panels are the most commonly recognized form of renewable energy for your home. Solar panels are installed by a company such as Panelit Solar PV installers onto the roof of your home or building. In addition to the panels, a converter will be installed in the attic space to convert the solar power to usable energy within your home.

The number of panels and, therefore, the amount of energy you are able to generate will depend on the size of your roof and the type of panel that you have installed. The higher the spec of the panels installed, the bigger the cost will be; however, the panels will generate more energy, saving you more in the long run.

Before your solar panels can be installed, the company you are using will visit your home to talk through your options, including the type and number of panels that they can fit on the roof. It is a myth that you have to live in a sunny area to generate solar power, although some days will generate more solar power than others. 

Depending on the seasons where you live and how much solar power will be generated throughout the year, you may choose to install a battery in addition to the panels. The battery works as a storage space for excess power that is generated and unused during the peak solar periods. 

The stored solar power will then be released from the battery during days when not as much solar power is generated. Some energy companies will also pay you to sell them your unused solar energy, but this will depend on your supplier. 

Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps are installed on the exterior of your home or building and use the heat from the air outside to power and heat your home. The mechanism of this type of pump is similar to a reverse fridge, where the heat from the outside air is gathered and pumped into your home to heat it.

You may think that you would have to live in a warm climate for this to work; however, the innovative technology of a pump means that is not true. Heat can be extracted from the air even at temperatures of as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit and still heat your home effectively.

Although this looks like a large fan attached to the side of your home, you do not need to worry about the noise as this form of pump is virtually silent. Depending on the size of the pump and the size of your home, you could save thousands on your energy bills annually. 

Wind Power

You may be familiar with the sight of wind turbines depending on where you live, but do you know how wind power can be used to reduce your household bills? You do not have to worry about having a huge wind turbine installed in your garden, as the wind turbines for homes are much more discreet. 

You can have a small turbine installed on the grounds of your property or added to the roof if that is more convenient. The wind turbine collects energy from the wind and converts it into electricity that can power your home. 

You will not get as much energy from a single household wind turbine, certainly not as much as with solar power or heat pumps. However, you will still be able to save hundreds of dollars per year with wind powering your home. 


Hydroelectricity converts water into power; a hydroelectric system is installed onto properties if they are near water. To effectively convert water into power for your home, the property will need to be near a river or lake that has water running downhill. 

There must be a water drop of at least one meter in order for the hydroelectric system to be able to convert the water into electricity. If your property meets these specifications, a hydroelectric system can power your entire home. 


So, if you are looking to save money on your household or business energy bills, there are several ways you can do so. Depending on the area you live in and the climate, some will work better than others, but with numerous options available, there is no reason why you cannot save some money. 

The cost of switching to renewable energy is often high to begin with, as the installation of the equipment is generally expensive. However, it is worth checking how cost-effective it will be to make the switch. Most renewable energy systems will pay for themselves within a set period of time. 

Some energy companies or suppliers will buy back any excess power you are generating, which will make the conversion even more cost-effective for you. It is also best to check if there are any grants or loan schemes available via the supplier or government to make the cost of renewable energy less. 

You should ensure that you always use a reputable installer and obtain a quote before beginning any work.


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