Reasons To Manage Your Phone Time

Our cell phones have become an extension of who we are. Useful features make our lives easier and allow us to work more efficiently. The opposite side of that is we end up spending more time on our phones than necessary, scrolling endlessly on social media or playing games for hours. Learning to manage your phone time will give you a chance to do more with your day while still getting the most out of your cell phone and all the features it has to offer.

Minimizes Eye Strain

Constantly staring at your phone screen can cause eye strain and may eventually lead to headaches. Squinting your eyes or looking at a bright screen for long periods of time can cause problems with your vision. Cast what you are watching to your television or computer screen. Not only will the image be bigger, it will also make it easier to navigate to other screens. Dimming the brightness of your screen may also help when it comes to reducing eye strain.

Gives You A Chance To Reconnect With Family

Pre-teens and adolescents who have their own cell phones will often spend all their free time watching videos or playing games. Break the cycle before it becomes a habit! Limit their screen time to an hour or two a day. Schedule family activities where no cell phones are allowed. Enjoy a meal as a family. Keeping cell phone use to a minimum gives you more time to spend with family. Take the opportunity to make a few new memories and just enjoy being together.

Get Up & Get Moving!

Spending a lot of time on your phone also means you are probably sitting down and not being very active. Instead of playing games on your phone or scrolling through Instagram, go for a walk or start an exercise program. There are hundreds of exercise apps you can put on your phone that you can use to get back into shape. Take a few minutes every day to stretch and enjoy a few deep breaths. You will be able to think more clearly and concentrate on other tasks.

Focus On Important Tasks

Every time you take a break from your phone, look around. Create a “To Do” list of things you need to do around your home or office. Take the focus off your phone and put on doing all the things you have on your list. Take care of any minor repairs around the house. Declutter your closets and make sure everything is put in its proper place. Organize your time while you get your home and office back in order. Focus on the important tasks on your list and you will feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Limit Your Exposure To Electromagnetic Radiation

Cell phones, especially those that use the enhanced 5G networks, emit measurable amounts of electromagnetic radiation. One of the most effective ways to limit your exposure to electromagnetic radiation from your cell phone is to place it away from you when you are not using it. Stop using your cell phone as an alarm clock and put it in a different room while you are sleeping. Turning your electronics off and tuning out, will allow your mind to wind down and actually relax.

Our cell phones have become integral parts of our lives. We use them to remain organized and connected with the rest of the world. Companies like Aires Tech offer unique and innovative ways to mitigate electromagnetic radiation. We live in a world where digital communication is more common than any other method. This means continual exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Taking control of our risk of exposure is important if we want to maintain good health.

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