Explore the world of salt varieties as we delve into the uses, advantages, and distinctions between these two seasonings.

With its pinkish color Himalayan pink salt enhances flavors while providing essential trace minerals. To know more about Himalayan pink salt, Visit Saltean – a Himalayan pink salt brand.

On the other hand, Black salt is a staple in desi cuisine and brings a savory edge to meals with its amazing sulfuric aroma.

Each of these salts possesses benefits and flavors. So let’s take a look at Himalayan pink salt vs. black salt and see how they can elevate your culinary creations!

What Is Salt?

Salt is a naturally occurring substance known chemically as sodium chloride (NaCl). It can be found in minerals and is a main component of seawater.

People commonly use salt to add flavor to their food while also preserving it. Salt serves a purpose beyond enhancing flavors; it plays a crucial role, in maintaining human well-being.

Common Types Of Salt

The wide array of salt variations might make you wonder why there are many options available and what makes them different. The answer lies in their sourcing locations, extraction methods, and any additional additives or processing techniques involved. There are types of salt each, with its own unique characteristics. Let’s take a look, at an overview of them:

1. Table Salt

Table salt is the common salt found in most households. It is highly refined with small and identical crystals and typically additives to prevent clumping.

2. Sea Salt

Sea salt, which is derived from seawater possesses a range of flavors and textures that vary based on its source. It is a liked ingredient, in cooking due, to its processing compared to table salt.

3. Kosher Salt

This salt contains larger and flakier crystals and is named for its usage in koshering meat. It is excellent for cooking and is preferred by chefs due to its ability to distribute evenly.

4. Himalayan Pink Salt

This pink salt is mined from the Khewra salt mine located in Pakistan and receives its pink color from trace minerals. It is less processed and gives foods a distinct subtle salty flavor.

5. Black Salt 

Black salt used in desi cuisine, has a unique sulfurous aroma due to the minerals it contains. It’s frequently used in vegan foods to add an egg-like flavor.

6. Fleur De Sel

This salt is hand-harvested sea salt originating mostly in France. It is prized for its delicate flavor and slightly moist texture which makes it an excellent finishing salt.

7. Smoked Salt

Infused with smoky flavors it is great for giving foods a barbeque or campfire feel.

Difference Between Himalayan Pink Salt & Black Salt

While both Himalayan pink salt and black salt have a shared similar origin their processing procedures, flavor characteristics, mineral compositions, and coloring differ greatly.

Here is a look at these differences and how they affect how these two salt kinds are used and consumed.

The Origin

Himalayan rock salt and black salt originate from the salt mines found in Pakistan. These mines have been hidden beneath deposits, for centuries.


Himalayan pink salt is processed to a minimum maintaining its natural minerals and pink color.

Black salt on the other hand undergoes a special process that involves heating and blending with herbs and spices resulting in its unique color and flavor.


Himalayan pink salt features translucent and rosy crystals. Whereas black salt has a dark and purple-ish to pinkish-black tint.

Shape Or Structure

Himalayan pink salt is commonly found in larger and more irregular crystals. Whereas black salt is commonly found in smaller and uneven granules or chunks.

Taste & Aroma

Himalayan pink salt has a mild and delicate flavor with mineral undertones. Black salt has a strong and pungent aroma due to its sulfur concentration as well as a distinct savory and slightly eggy taste.

Uses Of Himalayan Salt Vs. Black Salt

Here, we will look at the different uses of these two amazing salts Himalayan pink salt and black salt. Each of them brings its own particular flavors and versatility to the table.

Himalayan Pink Salt

Below are some uses of Himalayan pink salt:

  • A general seasoning is used to enhance flavor in a variety of dishes.
  • It is commonly used for salt-crusted cuisine such as grilling or baking.
  • It is used in brining because of its natural mineral content.
  • It is used in bath salts and salt lamps for relaxation.

Black Salt

Below are some uses of black salt:

  • It is commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in snacks and chutneys.
  • It is known for giving vegan foods a distinct savory and eggy flavor.
  • It is used in Ayurvedic treatments as a digestive aid and flavor enhancer.
  • It is typically used as a garnish for fruit salads and beverages.

Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Vs. Black Salt

Now that we have covered their uses, let’s look at the outstanding benefits these salts provide. Both come with their own set of benefits for your health and culinary creations.

Benefits Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Below are some benefits of Himalayan pink salt:

  • It contains 84 trace minerals, like iron, potassium, and magnesium.
  • It helps maintain a balance of electrolytes and keeps you hydrated.
  • When used in moderation it can help regulate blood pressure.
  • When used with salt inhalers it may benefit respiratory health.
  • In Himalayan salt lamps it promotes relaxation and stress reduction.

Benefits Of Black Salt

Below are some benefits of black salt:

  • It aids digestion and reduces bloating.
  • It adds a distinct savory and eggy flavor to vegan and vegetarian cuisine.
  • It is a natural relief for intestinal problems.
  • It may help reduce constipation, intestinal gas, and heartburn issues.
  • It contains sulfur which can be detoxifying.


Himalayan pink salt and black salt have distinct properties and benefits. Himalayan pink salt is rich in trace minerals and versatile whilst black salt’s distinct flavor and digestive characteristics distinguish it in Indian cuisine and holistic wellness practices. Both salts add their own distinct flavor to the dishes.

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